We’re independent financial planners based in Southampton who specialise in helping individuals build their wealth, plan for retirement or leave behind a legacy, and we work closely with business owners to protect them and their businesses. Our driving force is a desire to do things differently, not just because we have to but because we want to.
Live a life of balance and joy
Our service revolves around listening to your goals and visions for the future and then building a financial plan to guide you on the journey. But it doesn’t stop there. We are adding new dimensions to the financial services sector by being the first firm to link up with a wellness coach, to provide a holistic approach to creating and maintaining financial wealth.
We’re a team of experts
We get to know you, understand your visions and build the perfect plan.
Get in touch
Contact details
Latimer House
5-7 Cumberland Place
SO15 2BH
Regis Bentley Limited is registered in England and Wales, registered number: 08397094. Registered office: Latimer House, 5-7 Cumberland Place, Southampton, Hampshire, England, SO15 2BH. Regis Bentley Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. You can find Regis Bentley Limited on the FCA Register by clicking here.
To ensure the accurate execution of your instructions and to improve our service, we will record and occasionally monitor your phone conversations with us. If needed, you can request copies of these recordings for up to 5 years after they were made.